KaneFrame Volume 1

March 30th, 2024

*If you’re a dual Mastodon and KaneFrame subscriber, apologies for any redundancies below!*

Before today’s photos, I wanted to direct your attention to my first digitally native photo zine, Volume 1 of KaneFrame. It’s comprised of photos I’ve taken in the last 30 days; some of these shots have been shared here already and others have not, but seeing them all arranged and formatted differently should/hopefully make the experience a unique one.

I have yet to find a way to embed the download directly into this newsletter (could be impossible, or I’m impossibly ignorant), but to bypass this I’ve set up the zine to be downloadable for free on a different platform called Buy Me a Coffee. Click below to get there, and let me know if you run into any roadblocks.

As this photoletter is designed to be visually forward, I’m going to try to cap any further words, after I shoehorn in final encouragement to download, read, and share this zine and initiative as a whole if it inspires you, of course. No matter what, I’m remarkably grateful as is that you’re a participant. Looking forward to sharing more real work real soon!

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming:

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1) & Manhattan, New York | SoHo (2)

February & March 2024

Camera: Yashica 230 | Film: Kodak Ektar 100 (1) & Canon G7x Mark II (2)