September 15th, 2024

Block by Block : Canal St.

This past Wednesday (the 11th), I walked (almost all of) Lower Manhattan’s Canal Street, East to West, from the Manhattan Bridge. While going along, I made a little game for myself to get a photo (or photo pairing) for each block walked. Here’s what came of it:

Bowery to Elizabeth St

Elizabeth St to Mott St

Mott St to Mulberry St

Mulberry St to Baxter St

Baxter St to Centre St

Centre St to Lafayette St

Lafayette St to Broadway (1)

Lafayette St to Broadway (2)

Broadway to Mercer St

Mercer St to Greene St

Greene St to Wooster St

Wooster St to W Broadway (1)

Wooster St to W Broadway (2)

W Broadway to 6th Ave

6th Ave to Varick St

Varick St to Hudson St

Hudson St to Renwick St

Renwick St to Greenwich St

Greenwich St to Washington St

Washington St to West Side Highway

Canal Park

West Side Highway to Hudson River

Hudson River Pier

Camera: Canon G7x Mark II

Today’s Digestion: Group Chats | LA Review of Books

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